c# - Token based authentication and hash passwords - Stack
SHA512 Calculator If you need a non-JS SHA512 calculator, use https://cryptostorm.is/sha512_nojs. Token: Calculate! Hash: cryptostorm cryptostorm private network. Your cryptostorm token (or it's SHA512 hash): SHOW KEYS cryptostorm Enter your cryptostorm access token in the Username: field, and put any random text in the Password: field (Optional: We recommend you first hash your token using the token hasher on https://cryptostorm.is/#section6 [under the teddy bear]) That's it! You should now be connected. Check with https://cryptostorm.is/test to verify that your IP has cryptostorm Enter your cryptostorm token (or it's SHA512 hash) into the box above that, then click the "ADD KEY" button. This page will then show you the pre-shared key (PSK) and IP that you will need in your WireGuard configs. Each WireGuard key you generate will have a different PSK/IP.
Most of the other answers here are somewhat out-of-date with today's best practices. As such here is the application of using PBKDF2/Rfc2898DeriveBytes to store and verify passwords. The following code is in a stand-alone class in this post: Another example of how to store a salted password hash.The basics are really easy, so here it is broken down:
cryptostorm Enter your cryptostorm access token in the Username: field, and put any random text in the Password: field (Optional: We recommend you first hash your token using the token hasher on https://cryptostorm.is/#section6 [under the teddy bear]) That's it! You should now be connected. Check with https://cryptostorm.is/test to verify that your IP has
Crypto.Hash package¶ Cryptographic hash functions take arbitrary binary strings as input, and produce a random-like fixed-length output (called digest or hash value). It is practically infeasible to derive the original input data from the digest. In other words, the cryptographic hash function is …
So you don't have to enter your token every time you connect, store your token in a random file. (Replace CsTok-enGvX-F4b4a-j7CED with your token or your token's hash using the token hasher at https://cryptostorm.is/#section6 , under the teddy bear Crypto.Hash package — PyCryptodome 3.9.8 documentation Crypto.Hash package¶ Cryptographic hash functions take arbitrary binary strings as input, and produce a random-like fixed-length output (called digest or hash value). It is practically infeasible to derive the original input data from the digest. In other words, the cryptographic hash function is … CryptoStorm VPN review | A service that fails to live up Jul 26, 2018