First, run Folder Lock, enter your master password and then click on the ‘Encrypt Files’ button. To encrypt Folders, you need to create lockers, each locker will have its own unique password and will be self-executable. This means that the locker can be independently accessed without having to rely on Folder Lock running in the background.

Jun 10, 2020 security - How to encrypt and decrypt file in Android A simple Android class for encrypting & decrypting strings, aiming to avoid the classic mistakes that most such classes suffer from. Facebook's conceal. Quoting from the repo. Conceal provides easy Android APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data Work With Files | Android

How To Encrypt Files And Folders With Folder Lock?

Andrognito: Hide files and folders with 3-layer encryption Oct 14, 2014

Jun 10, 2020

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